The Gateway between Humanity and AI

Do you know how your phone can quickly understand what you're asking, or how Google Translate can automatically help you translate one language to another? Well, that's all because of Computational Linguistics. 

What is Computational Linguistics?

Computational linguistics is the scientific and engineering of how computers regulate, understand, and use human language. It teaches the grammar rules to the computer so it can perform its function properly. Computational linguistics is a tool used for helping machine translation and speech recognition—computational linguistics in the computer science field. Computational linguistics is used in almost everything that has AI( artificial intelligence). It's like the gate between humanity and AI. Computational linguistics is the combination of computer science, linguistics, and AI(artificial intelligence).

It is the bridge between human communication and computer understanding. Its impacts have made our interactions with technology more advanced. Though Computational linguistics is immensely greatly impactful on the good side, not everything is perfect, just like Computational Linguistics. You see, computers don’t understand languages like humans do. The easiest language that computers understand is binary code. The binary code only consists of 2 numerals, 0 and 1. 

Although this may be the easiest language that the computer understands, the computer is capable of doing more now because of computational linguistics. 

Why is computational linguistics important?

It has helped us humans more than ever, from voice assistants to translation tools that break down language barriers. Computational linguistics is the reason for how machines can understand and interact with human language. Computational linguistics has opened the doors to letting. 

Computational linguistics advances our communication with computers, transforms language technology, and increases the interaction between humans and computers.

What are some Benefits of Computational Linguistics?

  • It enhances the communication between machines and humans

  • Its role as an automatic translation system is vital to helping information become accessible from any language

  • Allows you to be able to talk to the machine and for it to respond to you(like Siri&Alexa)

  • Write

What are some challenges of Computational Linguistics?

-Requires a huge amount of data, and if there is not enough data on a certain topic, the computer itself will give you its own opinion, and then you will receive biased information.

- Requires a lot of processing power

- Costs are expensive because they require a huge amount of processing power.


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