Why did I start this blog?

Hello! I am a high school student in Virginia, a proud son of first generation immigrant parents who have instilled the values of hard work, fortitude, and acknowledgment. Growing up in a multicultural family has increased my perception and amplified my understanding of different cultures and communities. It has also shown me the significance of accepting diversity and encouraging inclusivity. In my free time, I practice MMA and play other sports such as pickle ball. All these sports require endurance, multiple different tactics. It’s not just about the games you see; it’s about the different approaches required to take, the challenges, and most of all being active. I also enjoy traveling. My secret power is being a human alchemist, I bring humor to all situations, even the most awkward ones. I’ve been very fortunate to have travelled to different parts of the world such as Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, England, Mexico, and the Bahamas. Spending quality time with my family is also very important to me. I started these blogs as a mechanism to share my thoughts and opinions to a wider audience. You see I have middle child syndrome and thought this would be a great way to communicate without my older (the Takis fanatic) or younger sister (the loudest one) interrupting. Hope you enjoy!


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